Friday, February 20, 2009

random thoughts.

Today at group counseling they talked about relationship. romantic relationship of course
but bothers youngster most now huh.
sometimes i'm really amused by young generation, frankly, i think i'm not at that age anymore.
i feel... old.
i don't have the urge to impress ppl of opposite gender/sex.
so that explains my weight gain wtf. self-defense mechanical.
due to confedentiality, i won't disclose the detail that we have talked about,
but the topic itself is very complicated thing.
break up is undeniable very heart-breaking, but life goes on.
i know i'm tlaking like it's easy, but hey i've gone through that too.
but i didn't share a single bit about my story, not because i'm not comfortable of sharing it, just that i really feel it's not necessary.
everyone has a different experience, but after all, only you can help youself.
that's the most important thing.
my experience of breaking up is, i tended to self-pity alot.
i think oh that was the end of the world i jz got dumped by the guy i loved,
when i didn't even know what love is.
it's not jz hugging kissing cuddling buying present kinda thing.
it surely is more in-depth. and i'm sure one will not understand it until they grow up.
i blame it on the slow development of some RANDOM brain neurons wtf.

the point is, people often think that they need help from others when they break up.
they need alot of companion to talk about how sad they are
how terrible the guy was
how they wanted to patch back
how things might work out if they were bla bla bla.
if you don't allot yourself to let it go.
it will haunt you forever.
it's painful
but the pain is not forever. imagine, if you were with the wrong guy,
then in the future he would be torturing you until the end of the day wtf.

aiya, duno la, why am i talking all these things here.
jz duno whom to talk to maybe. haha.
oh dear dairy wtf !!!!!
so pathetic one !!!!!!!!!!!!

0 pretty notes: